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The New Crusade

A Blog dedicated to the promotion of the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith in union with HH Benedict XVI, to the preservation of our Traditional Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and to the New Crusade against Islam. This Blog is under the Patronage of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Christ our King and His Holy Mother, our Queen and of Santiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer) and the Crusader King, St Louis IX of France.

08 novembre 2005

A Roundup Of News On The Jihad In France

I didn't have much time yesterday, so here is a roundup of articles on the French situation from le 7 november 2005. Muslims out of Europe! De Villiers for President of the Republic!

«France declares state of emergency to quell riots», from MSNBC:


«Chirac vows to restore order», From «The Independent»:


«French mayor declares curfew as rioting spreads», From «The Independent»:


«Outrage as Paris burns and French riots spread», From «The Times»:


«France in flames as riots wreak havoc», from «The Scotsman»:


«A State of Emergency in the Grande Nation» from «der Spiegel»:


«French plan curfews to stop riots» from the BBC:
