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The New Crusade

A Blog dedicated to the promotion of the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith in union with HH Benedict XVI, to the preservation of our Traditional Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and to the New Crusade against Islam. This Blog is under the Patronage of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Christ our King and His Holy Mother, our Queen and of Santiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer) and the Crusader King, St Louis IX of France.

07 mai 2006

Europe (and the rest of the West) are cotracepting/aborting themselves out of existence!

In Europe 2.1 children per woman is considered to be the population replacement level. These are national averages (From EuroStat-2004)
Ireland: 1.99
France: 1.90
Norway: 1.81
Sweden 1.75
UK: 1.74
Netherlands: 1.73
Germany: 1.37
Italy: 1.33
Spain: 1.32
Greece: 1.29

Note that Ireland and France, traditionally Catholic with profamily policies are almost replacing themselves. Then come the protestant countries. The frightening thing is that Germany, with a large minority of Catholics, "Catholic" Italy and Spain and Orthodox Greece bring up the rear!