Feast of St Louis IX, Nameday of the King
Tomorrow is the Feast Day of St Louis IX, King of France & Confessor and the Patronal Feast Day of my liege lord, Monseigneur le prince Louis, le duc d'Anjou, by God's Grace de jure King of France and Navarre.

The Prayers of the Feast from the Roman Missal:
Deus, qui beatum Ludovicum Confessorem tuum de terreno regno ad cœlestis regni gloriam transtulisti: ejus, quæsumus, meritis et intercessione; Regis regum Jesu Christi Filii tui facias nos esse consortes: Qui tecum.
Oh God, Who didst take Thy Confessor, Louis, from an earthly throne to the glory of the heavenly kingdom, by his merits and intercession we beseech Thee that Thou make us to be associates of the King of kings, Jesus Christ Thy Son. Who with Thee.

Præsta, quæsumus, omnipotens Deus: ut, sicut beatus Ludovicus Confessor tuus, spretis mundi oblactamentis, soli Regi Christo placere studuit; ita ejus oratio nos tibi reddat acceptos. Per eumdem Dominum.
Grant, we bessech Thee, O almighty God, that as blessed Louis, Thy confessor, spurning the delights of the world, strove only to please Christ, his King, so his prayer may render us acceptable to Thee. Through our Lord.

Deus, qui beatum Confessorem tuum Ludovicum mirificasti in terris, et gloriosum in cœlis fecisti: eumdem quæsumus, Ecclesiæ tuæ constitue defensorem. Per Dominum.
O God, Who didst make Thy Confessor, Louis, wonderful on earth and glorious in heaven, constitute him, we beseech Thee, the defender of Thy Church. Through our Lord.

His biography from The Catholic Encyclopædia.

The article on him from Wikipedia.

A letter from Guy, a knight, concerning the capture of Damietta on the sixth Crusade with a speech delivered by Saint Louis to his men. The Mediæval Sourcebook.
Comments from Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on St Louis. Tradition in Action
Etext full version of the Memoirs of le Sieur de Joinville, a biography of Saint Louis written by one of his knights. Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library.
I love this Saint!
If only we had SUCH a ruler over us today!
Our seventh child will be due soon.
She will be renewed in the Sacramental waters receiving the names of two of the best of the French: Joan Louise
May they both watch over her.
Congratulations and felicitations! Two better names could not be chose! The Maid who saved France from the English and the greatest King who ever lived!
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