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The New Crusade

A Blog dedicated to the promotion of the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith in union with HH Benedict XVI, to the preservation of our Traditional Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and to the New Crusade against Islam. This Blog is under the Patronage of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Christ our King and His Holy Mother, our Queen and of Santiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer) and the Crusader King, St Louis IX of France.

12 septembre 2006

The Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary

On this day in a.D. 1683, Jan III Sobieski, King of Poland (in Latin his title was "Joannes III, Dei Gratia rex Poloniae, magnus dux Lithuaniae, Russie, Prussiae, Masoviae, Samogitiae, Livoniae, Smolenscie, Kijoviae, Volhyniae, Podlachiae, Severiae, Czernichoviaeque, etc.") and Charles V Léopold Nicolas Sixte, le duc de Lorraine defeated the vile jihadist swine at the gates of Vienna. Our Holy Father, the Pope, instituted this Feast in thanksgiving for the victory.This was as far west as the gutter religion was able to penetrate.

The battle started on 11 September and concluded on the 12th. Five years ago yesterday, the pigs attacked the WTC and today they tried to destroy the US Embassy in Damascus. They have long memories, so I suggest keeping an eye out on the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, istituted to commemorate the victory of our forces at the Battle of Lepanto in a.D. 1571.

Muslims out of Europe!