Ss Simon and Jude, Apostles & Martyrs

To day is the Feast of the Apostles, Simon and Jude, Martyrs.
From the Roman Martyrology:
In Persia, the birthday of the blessed apostles Simon the Canaanite and Thaddeus, who is also called Jude. Simon preached the Gospel in Egypt, Thaddeus in Mesopotamia. Afterwards, entering Persia together, they converted to Christ a numberless multitude of the inhabitants, then underwent martyrdom.
The Collect of the Feast from the Roman Breviary:
O God, who hast granted us to come to the knowledge of thy Name through thy blessed Apostles Simon and Jude, grant us to celebrate their everlasting glory by advancing in knowledge and to improve by this celebration. Through.
The proper Lessons from the Roman Breviary may be found here.
From the Mediæval Saints Group at Yahoo.
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