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The New Crusade

A Blog dedicated to the promotion of the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith in union with HH Benedict XVI, to the preservation of our Traditional Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and to the New Crusade against Islam. This Blog is under the Patronage of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Christ our King and His Holy Mother, our Queen and of Santiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer) and the Crusader King, St Louis IX of France.

21 décembre 2006

The Feast of St Thomas, Ap, IInd Class

Today is the Feast of St Thomas Didymus, the Apostle of India (the illustration is of an Indian postage stamp honouring him).

The Collect from the Roman Breviary:

Grant us, we beseech thee, O Lord, to glory in the solemn festival of blessed Thomas, thine Apostle, that we may both be helped continually by his patronage and imitate his faith with befitting devotion. Through.

The Proper Lessons may be found here.

The Propers of his Mass may be found here.

The article on him from the Catholic Encyclopædia.

From Magnificat.

From Goffine's Devout Instructions.

From the Golden Legend of Bl Jacobus Voragine.

From Tradition in Action.

From Wikipedia (watch out for the gnostic influence!).