
Today is a Feria with no Commemoration. The Roman Martyrology follows:
In Sardinia, the birthday of St. Pontian, pope and martyr. In the company of the priest Hippolytus, he was exiled by Emperor Alexander, and achieved martyrdom by being scourged. His body was brought to Rome by blessed Pope Fabian and buried in the cemetery of Callistus. His feast, however, is celebrated on the 19th of November.
At Ægea in Cilicia, in the reign of Diocletian, under the governor Lysias, the martyrdom of Saints Zenobius, bishop, and his sister Zenobia.
At Altino, in the neighbourhood of Venice, St. Theonestus, bishop and martyr, who was slain by the Arians.
In Africa, the birthday of two hundred and twenty holy martyrs.
At Tangier in Morocco, St. Marcellus, a centurion, the father of Saints Claudius, Lupercus, and Victorius. He achieved martyrdom by beheading under Agricola, deputy praetor for Praefectus.
At Alexandria, in the reign of Decius, thirteen holy martyrs who suffered with Saints Julian, Eunus, and Macarius.
At Cagliári in Sardinia, St. Saturninus, martyr, who was beheaded under the governor Barbarus, during the persecution of Diocletian.
At Apamea in Phrygia, St. Maximus, martyr, under the same Diocletian.
At Leon in Spain, the holy martyrs Claudius, Lupercus, and Victorius, the sons of St. Marcellus the centurion. They were condemned to be beheaded by Diogenian, the governor, in the persecution of Diocletian and Maximian.
At Paris, St. Lucanus, martyr.
At Alexandria, the martyr St. Eutropia, who was arrested while visiting the martyrs, and rendered up her soul after being cruelly tortured with them.
At Antioch, St. Serapion, a bishop very celebrated for his learning.
At Capua, St. Germanus, bishop and confessor, a man of great sanctity, whose soul, at the very hour of death, was seen by St. Benedict taken to heaven by angels.
At Potenza in Lucania, St. Gerard, bishop.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.
initially upon seeing the Divine Office, I thought you were announcing the Baronius Press reissue. I can't wait for that.
Me, too! I'm using the "Anglican Breviary", a translation into Elizabethan English of the 1911 Breviarum Romanum. It's conveniently contained in one volume, but one needs a Missal to make sure he's using the proper Collects on Sunday.
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