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The New Crusade

A Blog dedicated to the promotion of the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith in union with HH Benedict XVI, to the preservation of our Traditional Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and to the New Crusade against Islam. This Blog is under the Patronage of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Christ our King and His Holy Mother, our Queen and of Santiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer) and the Crusader King, St Louis IX of France.

11 décembre 2005

We're Back!

My computer is up and running! It will be tomorrow (probably) before I get to posting regularly again. My only excuse is «'tis the season»! Friday night was our company manager's Christmas party. Good food and good drink! (see my interests) and I had to be in the store at 08h00. Saturday night was the Christmas party at the American Sons and Daughters of Columbus, where I play bocce. More good food and good drink! (and I had to be in the store at 08h00!). I did not sin against temperance, tho' I might have failed GKC's admonition that, «We should thank God for having made beer and wine by not drinking too much of them»! At the Son's party, I learned that the brother of two dear friends had died on Thursday, so after work today, my lady and I had to go to the wake. (Of your charity, pray for the soul of Anthony «Tony» Sirna, R+I+P.) Then home to glance at and delete most of over 400 emails!

But, Deo volente, if my computer stays healthy, I'll be back at my usual post tomorrow, defending our Greco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and Culture, arguing for Altar and Throne and fighting The New Crusade!


At 12/12/05 10:37, Blogger Perun said...

Welcome back! :)

At 12/12/05 15:08, Blogger Iosue Andreas Sartorius said...

It's great to have you back on line!


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