Great News!

A quick search of my blog makes it apparent that I have not posted on the great news from the House of France:
From Paul Theroff's Royal News:
FRANCE (BOURBON)Luis Alfonso de Borbón y Martinez-Bordiu, Duc d'Anjou (son of Alfonso de Borbón, Duque de Cádiz, Duc d'Anjou et de Bourbon, and of his wife, née Carmen Martinez-Bordiú y Franco), and his wife, née María Margarita Vargas Santaella are expecting their first child in spring 2007. (added 14 Sep 2006).
This "Luis Alfonso de Borbón y Martinez-Bordiu" would be Monseigneur, Louis-Alphonse, duc d'Anjou, the Senior Male Heir of the Line of Hugh Capet and de jure His Most Catholic Majesty Louis XX, by God's Grace, King of France and Navarre.
May I ask the prayers of my readership for a healthy pregnancy for Her Majesty the Queen, for a safe delivery and (as a favour to me and the milieu legitimiste) for the birth of a son, a new Dauphin?
Vive le roi, Louis XX!! Vive la reine, Marie!!
(BTW, a tip of the red beret to Alan Goudman for his blazon of the Arms of the Royal House of France!)
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