Turkey ends French military ties

The opposition in the French Assembly has had the temerity to table a bill calling for the denial of the genocidal murder of 1.5 million Armenian Christians in the early XXth Century by the Turks to be made a "hate crime". "Enlightened, Western, secular" Turkey has broken off military ties with France in anger. While The New Crusade opposes the concept of "hate crime" laws, if it is a crime in France to deny the National Socialist genocide of the Jews, why should it not be to deny the equally evil crime committed by the Muslim Turks against the Christian Armenians?
(The illustration is the headline of an article in the New York Times dated December 15, 1915 stating that nearly one million Armenians had deliberately been put to death by the Ottoman government.)
From the BBC.
Muslims out of Europe! No Turkey in the EU! Vive la France! De Villiers for President of the Republic!
Vrais, vrais, mon ami! The Republic must come to term with its own sins!
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