The Koran, natural law and the 10 commandments
From our friend, Xavier, some thoughts on Islam, Natural Law and the True Faith. Muslims out of Europe! Awake, Christendom!
A Blog dedicated to the promotion of the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith in union with HH Benedict XVI, to the preservation of our Traditional Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and to the New Crusade against Islam. This Blog is under the Patronage of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Christ our King and His Holy Mother, our Queen and of Santiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer) and the Crusader King, St Louis IX of France.
From our friend, Xavier, some thoughts on Islam, Natural Law and the True Faith. Muslims out of Europe! Awake, Christendom!
I just discovered this. Please read and react. Awake, Christendom! Muslims out of Europe. Return Hagia Sophia to the Church! Turkey out of Europe!
From our friend Mark Amesse, a meditation on the Kingship of Christ:
From our friend, Perun, some excellent observations on Clinton's attack on a Christian nation in defense of the jihadist swine enemies of the West.
From our friend Xavier, some thoughts on jihadist swine and their immoral ingratitude. Muslims out of Europe! Awake, Christendom!
This should have been posted on San Patricio's day, but better late than never. This piece should be especially enlightening for those who still believe that the US was founded as a secular haven for all religions! Thanks to Josue Andreas for bringing this to my attention.
A jihadist pig of a mullah, supported by the charity of the Kingdom of Norway since his arrival, predicts that his filthy gutter religion, founded by the pædophile Muhammad, may he be damned eternally, will be successful in conquering Europe. He is finally facing deportation as a security threat but I have to ask why it has taken so long. Begin with him and expell all the islamofascist swine! Muslims out of Europe! Awake, Christendom! Long live the new Crusade!
The unrepentant sodomite perverts are trying again in the Czech Republic. Please pray for the Czechs. St Vaclav, pray for your people!
This was received, without attribution, from an internet correspondent. If the author sees this I will be glad to a) attribute it or b) remove it, if the author wishes.
From Denmark, a good post on the dhimmi attitude prevalent in the world today. Muslims out of Europe! Awake, Christendom!
Just a note to wish our fellow Evil Traditionalist Hillary Jane Margaret White, a very Happy and Blessed Birthday. May God and His Blessed Mother shower you with blessings in the coming year, Susie!
This is what we have to look forward to, if we let the jihadist pigs win and impose their gutter religion founded by the pædophile Muhammad, may he be damned eternally!
Ford is a major contributor to organisations representing unrepentant sodomite perverts. They had agreed to withdraw support and remain neutral in the culture wars, but have reneged on that promise.
Sign the boycott at:
From an Anglican heretic who has not lost all semblance of sanity, a warning that Britain may end up a predominantly Muslim country.
More on the heretic priests in Quebec. May God have mercy on Quebec and on Canada!
As a former Anglican, I wince when I read things like this, but it is the logical fruit of heresy and the denial of the Teaching Office of God's Church!
An excellent post on the stupidity of liberal political correctness!
From our friend in Denmark. Buy Danish!!
From our friend, Josue Andreas, in Korea, an excellent post on how Poland (and a few other countries) may save our Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and Culture!
From Stanley Kurtz, an article on HBO's "Big Love" glorifying polygamy, with links to articles on other attacks on marriage.
These pictures say it all. Paganism in the Church, with a prince of the Roman Church participating. Blessed Kateri would be hoorified at the desecration of the Faith for which she died. May she pray for us! May God soon grant the restoration of Catholic Faith and Order to His Church!
Turns out maybe the jihadist swine had something else they were upset about. Could it be that the cartoons were just an excuse, and they were really upset about Denmark's intelligent immigration policies, designed to keep the infidel pigs out of the Kingdom?
I had thought I didn't have time to actually blog today (my 'puter is still down and I'm borrowing a friends just to keep up with groups and email!), but this is to good to pass up!