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The New Crusade

A Blog dedicated to the promotion of the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith in union with HH Benedict XVI, to the preservation of our Traditional Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and to the New Crusade against Islam. This Blog is under the Patronage of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Christ our King and His Holy Mother, our Queen and of Santiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer) and the Crusader King, St Louis IX of France.

21 janvier 2007

New Blog in the Blogroll!

I haven't added a new blog to my blog roll in some time, but I'd like my readers to check this out. It's by "English kaffir" and is a definite "must read"! For now, at least, it's at the top of the roll.

Exposing Islam

Muslims out of Europe!

The Martyr King

Today is the 214th anniversary of the martyrdom of His Most Christian Majesty, Louis XVI, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre. The top picture to the left is, of course, a formal portrait of His Most Christian Majesty in his State Robes. The lower picture is of the execution by an anonymous artist, with a tip of the Red Beret to Tiberge at GalliaWatch.

Tiberge's post at GalliaWatch.

From Tea At Trianon, a post on the reforms he introduced in an attempt ameliorate the lot of his people. Not enough, since the freemasonic Revolution had already determined his over throw and death! The Reforms of Louis XVI.

Also from Tea At Trianon, Mme Vidal's post on the death of the King. Death of Louis XVI.

And, his last words, also from Tea At Trianon. Last Words of Louis XVI.

A brief biography from an Anglican source: Online Anglican Resources

From the 1911 ed. of the Encyclopædia Britannica.

From Wikipedia.

All over France today Masses were celebrated in his memory. May God use their graces for the Holy Souls in need, since I am convinced that, whether l'abbé Edgeworth actually cried out, "Ascend to heaven, son of St Louis!" (See "Death of Louis XVI", from Tea At Trianon,) it happened and he is in no need of our prayers. May his prayers and the prayers of all the martyrs of the Revolution help to bring about the defeat of the Revolution, the instauration of the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart of Christ the King and the Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Mother of God, Mary our Queen, in France and throughout the world, and the restoration to the Throne of his Forefathers of the Legitimate King of France and Navarre, His Most Christian Majesty, Louis XX!

Vive la France! Vive le roi!

Last Testament of H.M.C.M., Louis XVI


In the name of the Very holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

To-day, the 25th day of December, 1792, I, Louis XVI King of France, being for more than four months imprisoned with my family in the tower of the Temple at Paris, by those who were my subjects, and deprived of all communication whatsoever, even with my family, since the eleventh instant; moreover, involved in a trial the end of which it is impossible to foresee, on account of the passions of men, and for which one can find neither pretext nor means in any existing law, and having no other witnesses, for my thoughts than God to whom I can address myself,

I hereby declare, in His presence, my last wishes and feelings.

I leave my soul to God, my creator; I pray Him to receive it in His mercy, not to judge it according to its merits but according to those of Our Lord Jesus Christ who has offered Himself as a sacrifice to God His Father for us other men, no matter how hardened, and for me first.

I die in communion with our Holy Mother, the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church, which holds authority by an uninterrupted succession, from St. Peter, to whom Jesus Christ entrusted it; I believe firmly and I confess all that is contained in the creed and the commandments of God and the Church, the sacraments and the mysteries, those which the Catholic Church teaches and has always taught. I never pretend to set myself up as a judge of the various way of expounding the dogma which rend the church of Jesus Christ, but I agree and will always agree, if God grant me life the decisions which the ecclesiastical superiors of the Holy Catholic Church give and will always give, in conformity with the disciplines which the Church has followed since Jesus Christ.

I pity with all my heart our brothers who may be in error but I do not claim to judge them, and I do not love them less in Christ, as our Christian charity teaches us, and I pray to God to pardon all my sins. I have sought scrupulously to know them, to detest them and to humiliate myself in His presence. Not being able to obtain the ministration of a Catholic priest, I pray God to receive the confession which I feel in having put my name (although this was against my will) to acts which might be contrary to the discipline and the belief of the Catholic church, to which I have always remained sincerely attached. I pray God to receive my firm resolution, if He grants me life, to have the ministrations of a Catholic priest, as soon as I can, in order to confess my sins and to receive the sacrament of penance.

I beg all those whom I might have offended inadvertently (for I do not recall having knowingly offended any one), or those whom I may have given bad examples or scandals, to pardon the evil which they believe I could have done them.

I beseech those who have the kindness to join their prayers to mine, to obtain pardon from God for my sins.

I pardon with all my heart those who made themselves my enemies, without my have given them any cause, and I pray God to pardon them, as well as those who, through false or misunderstood zeal, did me much harm.

I commend to God my wife and my children, my sister, my aunts, my brothers, and all those who are attached to me by ties of blood or by whatever other means. I pray God particularly to cast eyes of compassion upon my wife, my children, and my sister, who suffered with me for so long a time, to sustain them with His mercy if they shall lose me, and as long as they remain in his mortal world.

I commend my children to my wife; I have never doubted her maternal tenderness for them. I enjoin her above all to make them good Christians and honest individuals; to make them view the grandeurs of this world (if they are condemned to experience them) as very dangerous and transient goods, and turn their attention towards the one solid and enduring glory, eternity. I beseech my sister to kindly continue her tenderness for my children and to take the place of a mother, should they have the misfortune of losing theirs.

I beg my wife to forgive all the pain which she suffered for me, and the sorrows which I may have caused her in the course of our union; and she may feel sure that I hold nothing against her, if she has anything with which to reproach herself.

I most warmly enjoin my children that, after what they owe to God, which should come first, they should remain forever united among themselves, submissive and obedient to their mother, and grateful for all the care and trouble which she has taken with them, as well as in memory of me. I beg them to regard my sister as their second mother.

I exhort my son, should he have the misfortune of becoming king, to remember he owes himself wholly to the happiness of his fellow citizens; that he should forget all hates and all grudges, particularly those connected with the misfortunes and sorrows which I am experiencing; that he can make the people happy only by ruling according to laws: but at the same time to remember that a king cannot make himself respected and do the good that is in his heart unless he has the necessary authority, and that otherwise, being tangled up in his activities and not inspiring respect, he is more harmful than useful.

I exhort my son to care for all the persons who are attached to me, as much as his circumstances will allow, to remember that it is a sacred debt which I have contracted towards the children and relatives of those who have perished for me and also those who are wretched for my sake. I know that there are many persons, among those who were near me, who did not conduct themselves towards me as they should have and who have even shown ingratitude, but I pardon them (often in moments of trouble and turmoil one is not master of oneself), and I beg my son that, if he finds an occasion, he should think only of their misfortunes.

I should have wanted here to show my gratitude to those who have given me a true and disinterested affection; if, on the one hand, I was keenly hurt by the ingratitude and disloyalty of those to whom I have always, shown kindness, as well as to their relatives and friends, on the other hand I have had the consolation of seeing the affection and voluntary interest which many persons have shown me. I beg them to receive my thanks.

In the situation in which matters still are, I fear to compromise them if I should speak more explicitly, but I especially enjoin my son to seek occasion to recognize them.

I should, nevertheless, consider it a calumny on the nation if I did not openly recommend to my son MM. De Chamilly and Hue, whose genuine attachment for me led them to imprison themselves with me in this sad abode. I also recommend Clery, for whose attentiveness I have nothing but praise ever since he has been with me. Since it is he who has remained with me until the end, I beg the gentlemen of the commune to hand over to him my clothes, my books, my watch, my purse, and all other small effects which have been deposited with the council of the commune.

I pardon again very readily those who guard me, the ill treatment and the vexations which they thought it necessary to impose upon me. I found a few sensitive and compassionate souls among them - may they in their hearts enjoy the tranquillity which their way of thinking gives them.

I beg MM. De Malesherbes, Tronchet and De Seze to receive all my thanks and the expressions of my feelings for all the cares and troubles they took for me.

I finish by declaring before God, and ready to appear before Him, that I do not reproach myself with any of the crimes with which I am charged.

Made in duplicate in the Tower of the Temple, the 25th of December 1792.


(Archives Nationales, Paris, dated 25 Dec 1792; given by the King to M. Baudrais, a municipal officer, on 21 Jan 1793, a few moments for he left for his place of execution. Baudrais immediately signed his name to authenticate it and deposited it with the commune, where it was signed and certified by Coulomneau, the secretary, and Drouel, the vice-president).

New row in Britain over Muslim customs and professional duties

A Muslim woman police officer refused to shake hands with her force’s chief, police said Saturday, amid a new row in Britain over religious customs and professional duties.

And how loyal to Her Majesty's laws can we expect this woman to be. She can't even be an observant Muslim if she's gone into the police, but she uses her religion as an excuse to show disrespect to her commanding officer!

From DhimmiWatch.

Muslims out of Europe!

Muslims in police will rise up, Bakri insists

Britain has been warned, but what are the chances that Red Tony or his successors will listen?

Moderate British Muslims in the police, Armed Forces and Civil Service will one day revolt against the system to "crush it from within", according to Omar Bakri Mohammed, the notorious Islamic extremist. In claims condemned as a cynical attempt to create division, the co-founder of the extremist al-Muhajiroun group said that Britain was "digging a deep hole" for itself by allowing Muslims into the Services and Whitehall.

From JihadWatch.

Muslims out of Europe!

10 janvier 2007


Today is a Feria with no Commemoration.

The Martyrology

10 January 2007.

11 January 2007.

09 janvier 2007


Today is a Feria with no commemoration.

The Martyrology

9 January 2007.

10 January 2007.

08 janvier 2007


Today is a Feria with no Commemoration.

The Martyrology

8 January 2007.

9 January 2007.

07 janvier 2007

Feast of the Most Holy Family, Ist Class

Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

The Collect of the Feast from the Roman Breviary:

O Lord Jesus Christ, who by thy wondrous holiness didst adorn a human home, and by thy subjection to Mary and Joseph didst consecrate the order of earthly families ; grant that we being enlightened by the example of their life with thee in thy Holy Family, and assisted by their prayers ; may at last be joined with them in thine eternal fellowship. Who livest and reignest with the Father.
R. Amen.

The Proper Lessons may be found here.

The Propers of Holy Mass for the Feast may be found here.

From Medieval Saints at Yahoo!

From Wikipedia.

The Martyrology

7 January 2007.

8 January 2007.

06 janvier 2007

The Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ, Ist Class

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany or Theophany, the "Showing Forth" to the Gentile world, in the persons of the Three Kings, of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The Collect from the Roman Breviary:

O God, who by the leading of a star didst manifest thine only-begotten Son to the Gentiles : mercifully grant, that we, which know thee now by faith, may after this life have the fruition of thy glorious Godhead. Through the same.
R. Amen.

The Proper Lessons may be found here.

The Propers of Holy Mass for the Feast may be found here.

The Aricle on the Feast from the Catholic Encyclopædia.

From the Golden Legend of Bl. Jacobus de Voragine.

From Magnificat.

From Wikipedia.

The Feast of the Three Kings

The Three Kings, Saints Caspar, Balthasar and Melchior, are also remembered on this day.

The article from the Catholic Encyclopædia.

From Tradition in Action.

Balthasar, from Catholic Forum.

The Three Kings of Cologne, by John of Hidesheim.

From Medieval Saints at Yahoo!

From Wikipedia.

The Martyrology

6 January 2007.

7 January 2007.

05 janvier 2007


Today is a Feria with a Commemoration of St Telesphorus.

The Commemoration from the Roman Breviary:

Ant: He that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

V. The righteous shall flourish like a palm-tree.
R. And shall spread abroad like a cedar in Líbanus.

Let us pray.
O eternal Shepherd, do thou look favourably upon thy flock, which we beseech thee to guard and keep for evermore, through the blessed Telesphorus, thy Martyr and Supreme Pontiff, whom thou didst choose to be the chief shepherd of the whole Church. Through.

The article on the Saint from the Catholic Encyclop&aeli;dia.

From Wikipedia.

The Martyrology

5 January 2007.

6 January 2007.

04 janvier 2007


Today is a Feria with no Commemoration.

The Martyrology

4 January 2007.

5 January 2007.

03 janvier 2007

Ste Genevieve, Patroness of Paris and of France

Today, I believe, in the Universal Calendar, is a Feria with no Commemoration. It is, however, the traditional Feast of Ste Genevieve, Patroness of Paris and of France, who saved Paris from the Huns. Unfortunately, since she is not in the Universal Calendar, I cannot find the Propers of her Feast.

However, her Collect, from the Common of Virgins:

Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation: that, like as we do rejoice in the festival of blessed Genevieve, thy holy Virgin ; so we may learn to follow her in all godly and devout affections. Through our Lord.

And From the Roman Martyrology:

At Paris, St. Genevieve, virgin, who was consecrated to Christ by St. Germanus, bishop of Auxerre, and who became famous for her admirable virtues and miracles.

The article on the Saint from the Catholic Encyclopædia.

From the Golden Legend of Bl. Jacobus de Voragine.

From the Lives of the Saints by Fr Alban Butler.

From Magnificat.

From Tradition in Action.

From Catholic Forum.

From the Catholic Information Network.

From Saints o' the Day, by St Patrick's Church, DC.

From Medieval Saints at Yahoo!

From Wikipedia.

The Martyrology

3 January 2007.

4 January 2007.

Midnight Mass In Montpellier interrupted by "Immigrants"

In the cathedral of Montpellier, the faithful were listening to the bishop celebrate midnight Mass when some "CPF" ("Chances pour la France" or "bringers of good fortune to France." That is how both Chirac and Dominique de Villepin have referred to France's well-behaved immigrants.) came in screaming insults, showing their hostility in many ways to the Christian faith...

(The photo of the interior of the cathedral is by David Merlin, who has many others.)

Muslims out of Europe! De Villiers for President of the Republic!

Read the entire post at GalliaWatch

02 janvier 2007

800,000 Turks Become EU Citizens

From Dhimmiwatch's comment:

How will they change the character of the EU? How many of them sympathize with the jihadists? How many of them are working with the jihadists? I have no answers to those questions, but I do have the answer to another: how many EU officials were considering such questions as the decisions that allowed for this were made? Zero.

Muslims out of Europe! No to Turkey in the EU!

From Dhimmiwatch.

The Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, IInd Class

Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, "at which every knee shall bow."

The Collect from the Roman Breviary:

O God, who didst ordain that thine only-begotten Son should be the Saviour of the world, and didst command that his Name should be called Jesus : mercifully grant, that we who worship his holy Name on earth, may at length behold him face to face in heaven. Where he liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of ...
R. Amen.

The Proper Lessons may be found here.

The Propers for the Holy Mass of the Feast may be found here.

The Article on the Holy Name from the Catholic Encyclopædia.

The article on the Feast from the same.

From Medieval Saints at Yahoo!

From Wikipedia.

The Martyrology

2 January 2007.

3 January 2007.

Remembering those killed on the missions in 2006

In 2006, 24 priests, religious and lay workers are known to have been killed in the course of their missionary work. This is one less than last year. Fides News Service has sent us their stories below.

From the article:

We avoid using the term ‘martyr’ leaving this for an eventual official judgement on the part of the Church and also because of the scarcity of information on the respective lives and circumstances of death. However we ask you to pray for them and to remember their sacrifice, known to God, for all they did to foster the growth of the Church all over the world at the service of human promotion and evangelisation.

Their names and short bios:

Fr Elie Koma, Society of Jesus (SJ), a Burundian aged 59, killed in the capital Bujumbura, in the evening of Saturday 4 February. The priest was shot dead while driving in his car in central Bujumbura, after a group of armed men opened fire on Major Ruguraguza of the Burundian army and his wife. It appears that Fr Koma was eliminated because he was a potential witness of the crime. The bandits shot the tires of his car and then shot him five times in the back. Fr Koma was held in high esteem by all and he was very active in pastoral care and as a spiritual director and retreat master for women religious and members of Marian movements. He was ordained in 1980, and for the past 3 years in charge of the Jesuit church in Kamengem one of Bujumbura's poorest districts.

Fr Andrea Santoro, Fidei Revum priest from the diocese of Rome, killed in Trabzon, Turkey on 5 February while praying after Mass in Saint Mary's Catholic Church in Kilisesi. Rev Santoro was born in Priverno, 7 September 1945 and ordained on 18 October 1970. After serving in various parishes in Rome in 2000 he went to Turkey to serve as a Fidei Revum missionary, in Trabzon, on the coast of the Black Sea, where he was entrusted with St Mary's Catholic Church, Kilisesi. In 2003 he started an association "Finestra per il Medio Oriente": a group for study, prayer and dialogue between the western world and the Middle East. Rev Andrea was killed only days after returning to Turkey having made his usual annual week's visit to Italy to lead days of study and prayer.

Fr José Alfonso Moreira, a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans), of Portuguese nationality, killed on 9 February at his home in Bailundo, Angola. The 80 year old missionary, (40 years spent on mission in Bailundo), died of seven gun wounds shot at close range. The missionary had just gone to bed when about 15 armed men broke into his room and shot him dead without even giving him time to get out of bed and then sacked the modest dwelling. Fr. Moreira was loved by all for his witness of service and love for mission even in times of difficulty. During the long years of civil war 1975-2002. Bailundo was occupied by the UNITA rebel forces (National Union for Total Independence of Angola) and then by the regular army. Fr Moreira always remained neutral, refusing any comprise so he could continue to announce the Gospel and serve others in the freedom of the children of God.

Fr Michael Gajere, Nigerian priest, killed by a gang of armed men in Maiduguri, capital of the Nigerian state of Borno, on 18 February, during violence which erupted following a peaceful demonstration. At least 15 people were killed in the violence, four Catholic churches were torched, the Bishops' residence, homes and structures belonging to other Christian denominations. Only last month the priest, ordained 14 years ago, had been appointed parish priest at Santa Rita parish in the Bulunkutu district of Maiduguri. Before being shot Fr Michael helped the leaders of the parish youth group to reach safety.

Sr Maria Yermine Yamlean, aged 33, a member of the congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred (DNDSC), born in Arui Das-Ambon (InRevesia) and living at a convent in Jalan Pattimura, Ambon, capital of the Moluccas Islands, was killed on 10 March 2006. The nun caught an intruder in the convent who reacted violently stabbing her with a knife. When the other Sisters found her she was in a serious condition. She was rushed to hospital where she died.

Sr Yermine was very active in pastoral care and the local Catholic Charismatic Renewal group, she was a member of the Provincial Council of her Congregation, Vice superior of the DNDSC Community in Ambon and guide for the formation of aspirants.

Fr Eusebio Ferrao, aged 61, parish priest at St Francis, Macasana, southern Goa, India, killed during the night of 17 March. When the priest failed to appear for morning Mass, a few of the parishioners went to look for him and found him dead in his room, apparently suffocated with a pillow. According to the people Fr Ferrao was a man of peace and had no enemies. He was a member of the diocesan Commission for liturgy and served his parish community of about 3,200 faithful with zeal and humility.

Mgr Bruno Baldacci, Fidei Revum priest from the diocese of La Spezia Italy, aged 63, was found dead on 30 March in his room at the parish of Nossa Senhora das Candeias where he served as parish priest, at Vitória da Conquista, Bahia State, Brazil. His secretary and housekeeper found him on his bed with evident signs of beating and the room was in a shambles. Mgr Baldacci spent 42 years on mission in Brazil, where he came following a missionary bishop and where he was ordained in 1968. In recent years he dedicated himself to caring for the poor and rehabilitating young drug addicts.

Fr Luis Montenegro, aged 77, more than 30 years as parish priest at Nuestra Senora del Rosario a La Calera, near Cordoba, Argentina, found dead early on 12 April. He had been stabbed to death in his sleep. Police charged and arrested a young man a previous offender.

Sr Karen Klimczak, 62, a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph (SSJ), was killed Buffalo, state of New York (USA), on Good Friday, 14 April . The nun had dedicated her life to helping the poor. Sr Klimczak was a member of the staff at Bissonette House for the rehabilitation of former prisoners. One of the inmates wanted to rob her and killed her and hid her body in an empty house a few miles from Bissonette House, where it was found on Easter Sunday. Sister Klimczak was known in Buffalo for her work to help the poor and promote peace.

Rev Galgalo Boru, A Kenyan priest from the parish of Bulesa, apostolic Vicariate of Isolo, Kenya, killed in the month of April in Lososia, Samburu district by bandits who attacked his car opening fire on both sides of the road. A passenger in the car was also killed.

Rev Jorge Piñango Mascareño, under secretary of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Venezuela, è found dead on Monday 24 April in Caracas. A Conference statement said: "The human and priestly life of Fr Piñango was marked by over 20 years of priestly ministry, a spirit of the Beatitudes and a clear vocation to serve. The competent authorities will investigate the cause of his death which happened under strange circumstances. For our part we are ready to cooperate if necessary and to guarantee that truth and justice are respected". Fr Jorge Pining Macarena was born in 1959 in Barquisimeto and ordained a priest on 10 August 1985. He studied for the priesthood at the Javeriana University Colombia and the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He had been a docent at a number of universities and Seminaries. He was appointed under secretary of the Venezuelan Bishops' Conference in 2002.

Rev Josè Carlos Cearense, Brazilian diocesan priest aged 44, was found dead on 9 May in his room in the parish house next to Santa Maria dos Anjos church in Delta, Minas Gerais state, Brazil where he was parish priest. The priest had died of stab wounds and his hands were tied behind his back. His body was discovered by the cleaning woman. The murder reportedly took place around 10pm on 8 May. Some days later the police arrested a man on charges of several murders in late April and early May.

Rev Jude Kimeli Kibor, Kenyan priest aged 57, activity, prison pastoral care. He was found dead on 11 May near Eldoret, probably killed by thieves while on his way to say Mass. The priest's car was found ten kilometres away from his body and his briefcase was missing. Fr Kibor studied in Springfield (USA) while ministering in various parishes. Aware of the risks and dangers, he had returned to Kenya to help his own people.

Friar Luis Alfonso Herrera Moreno, Franciscan (OFM) Colombian aged 46, stoned to death in a place called Bonda, Colombia. Friar Moreno was bursar at San Luis Beltran College, run by the Franciscan community of Santa Marta. On 28 June he went by car to do some errands. The next day he was found dead. The police suspect he was killed by robbers.

Rev John Mutiso Kivaya, 35, Kenyan priest assistant at Masinga Catholic parish, Kenya, was murdered at Tala, diocese of Machakos, during the night of 31 July by bandits who assaulted a restaurant where Fr Kivaya and two other priests were eating a meal. The priest was in his home two Tala to visit his family. The banditstook money and mobile telephones before killing the priest and two other persons and wounding three.

Rev Chidi Okorie, a Nigerian priest aged 31, killed during the night of 4 August in his room at the priests house adjacent to St Mary's Catholic parish church at Afikpo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The priest, stabbed by the aggressors, probably robbers since money and other objects were taken, died of his wounds in hospital. Father Okorie had only been a priest for two years, having been ordained in 2004.

Brother Augustine Taiwa, aged 40, a member of the St John of God Brothers Hospitaller Brothers, was murdered in the evening of Monday 28 August, near Port Moresby. capital Papua New Guinea. He was attacked near the Xavier Institute at Bomana, where he had been attached as co-ordinator for pastoral courses at the institute for the past three years. Brother Taiwa, originally from New East Britain was known and loved by the local people and was probably driving at low speed to avoid the many street vendors. Three apparently drunken youths were throwing stones and other objects at passing cars and one threw a spear at Brother Taiwa's car. The spear went through the head of the Religious killing him instantly. The police intervened immediately rushing the Brother to hospital, but all the doctors there could do was to confirm his death.

Sr Leonella Sgorbati, Italian Consolata Missionary aged 66, murdered on 17 September in Mogadishu, Somalia, by two gunmen hidden behind a car waiting for her as she made her way to the hospital where she worked. Sr Sgorbati first went on mission to Kenya where she served between 1970 and 1983 at three Consolata Hospitals in Mathari, Nyeri and Nazareth outer districts of Nairobi. In 1985 she became head teacher at the nursing school at Consolata Hospital in Meru, Nkubu. On 26 November 1993 she was elected regional superior of the Consolata Missionary Sisters in Kenya, a position which she held for 6 years. In 2001 Sr Leonella spent several months in Mogadishu in view of opening a School for Nurses at a local hospital run by an NGO. The first course started on 18 April 2002 and the first nurses received their diplomas in 2006. In August after struggling with endless red tape, Sr Lonella succeeded in obtaining World Health Organisation recognition for her courses and new nurses.

Rev Ricardo Antonio Romero, aged 53, Salvadorian, beaten and stoned to death and abandoned in the early hours of 25 September on the road which goes from Acajutia to Sonsonate, El Salvador. The priest's lifeless body was found close to his jeep. The police suspect one of the many youth gangs in the area. Rev Romero, parish priest at Santa Catalina Masthead, diocese of Consonant, was known for his tireless work to evangelise and to assist the poor.

Rev Pascal Kane Noonan, aged 51, of the diocese of Callao, Peru, was killed on 31 October at Divo, Cote d'Ivoire, where he had been on mission since 2003. He was attacked by robbers at Holy Family Parish, Divo. The priest was about to go to bed when he heard some noise in the living room and went to investigate. He found himself face to face with the thieves who did not hesitate to open fire. Taken by his confreres to hospital, the priest died of his wounds. Born in Bouake Cote d'Ivoire to Animist parents, at the age of twelve he asked to be baptised. At 25 he joined the New Catechumen Way and discovered his calling to the priesthood. In 1990, he was sent to Peru to study for the priesthood at Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Callao. In 1999 he was ordained for the diocese of Callao and served in various parishes distinguishing himself for his generous spirit of service. In 2003, at the request of the Bishop of Gagnoa, Rev Pascal was sent to minister at Holy Family parish Divo, in Cote d'Ivoire. He was esteemed by all for his simple manner and commitment for human promotion. He spent much time helping school drop outs to specialise in a trade and find a job.

Fr Waldyr dos Santos, Brazilian Jesuit, aged 69, lay volunteer Ms Idalina Neto Gomes, aged 30, were killed and other persons were wounded in an attack on Angone Residence in Tete Province in Mozambique on Monday 6 November. The bandits escaped with the community vehicle. Idalina Neto Gomes a lawyer and a member of the Portuguese association Laity for Development, was staying other members of the Association at the Jesuit community. Tete province which borders with Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, is a zone of bandits and attacks on Catholic missions and religious community houses are frequent. The Jesuits have a long history of service in this area in the fields of evangelisation, education, healthcare and development programmes.

Jacob Fernandez, a lay Catholic, who worked in a Religious Bookshop at the Shrine of Mount St Thomas in Chennai, in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu was murdered last November 26. He was attacked and killed for no reason in front of a crowd of terrified eyewitnesses present in the bookshop. Reportedly the assailant, in a state of violent excitement, demanded to see the parish priest and loudly claimed the Shrine area as Hindu property. The police said the suspect arrested was "mentally instable", but local Catholics know the man as a fanatical extremist in contact with anti-social groups. Mr Fernandez was known as a devout Catholic who attended daily Mass at the Shrine and lived his life as a mission.

Johnny Morales, aged 34, Salesian Cooperator in Guatemala was killed on 8 December in an ambush. The vehicle in which he was travelling was sprayed with bullets and Mr Morales dies instantly. Johnny Morales and his wife, also a Salesian Cooperator, helped at the Fr Sergio Checchi Salesian Centre. They had been married for a year. Mr Morales was employed by the local Tax office and two days earlier had accepted to work at the Tecún Umám border with Mexico where there is a problem of drug trafficking and smuggling . It seems the man was killed because of his honesty. He refused to be involved in illegal activity and was a fervent upholder of honesty and justice.

Source: Fides

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants departed full remission of all their sins, that through our devout prayers, they may obtain the pardon, which they have always desired. Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.

v. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

r. And let perpetual light shine upon them.

v. May they rest in peace.

School Spies Should Report Anti-Homosexuality to Police, Says UK Home Office

I have been trying to cut down on posts from sources that my readers may already be familiar with, but I cannot help but pass this on. Red Tony Blair's march toward totalitarianism will not be slowed. Now he is taking a page out of Hitler's handbook. Can anybody say "Gestapo informants"?

May God have mercy on Britain! Our Lady of Walsingham, St George, St Andrew, St Patrick and St David, pray for your people. All ye Saints and Martyrs of Britain, pray for your People!

From LifeSiteNews.

On this date, AD 1492

Today is the 514th anniversary of the final victory of the Reconquista. It was on this day that Abu 'abd-Allah Muhammad XII (Boabdil) surrendered Granada to its rightful possessors, los Reyes Católicos, Ferdinand and Isabella, of Aragon and Castile.

May Spain arise again in a new Reconquista and expel the Moorish hordes once again.

St James, the Moor-slayer, pray for Spain!

Muslims out of Europe! ¡Viva España!

01 janvier 2007

The Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Ist Class, Being the Octave Day of the Nativity

Happy New Year to all the Readers of The New Crusade! May our Infant Lord, by the prayers of His Holy Mother, grant all of you and yours a blessed and prosperous New Year!

Today is the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord.

The Collect from the Roman Breviary:

O God, who by the child-bearing of a pure Virgin hast bestowed upon all mankind the rewards of everlasting life : grant, we beseech thee ; that we may know the succour of her intercession, through whom we have been found worthy to receive the Author of life, even Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord : Who liveth and reigneth with thee.
R. Amen.

The Proper Lessons may be found here.

The Propers of Holy Mass for the Feast may be found here.

The Article on the Feast from the Catholic Encyclopædia.

From the Golden Legend of Bl. Jacobus de Voragine.

From Tradition in Action.

From Magnificat.

From Catholic Forum.

From Medieval Saints at Yahoo!

From Wikipedia.

The Heavenly Birthday of St Almachius, 1 January.

From the Roman Martyrology:

At Rome, St. Almachius, martyr, who, by the command of Alipius, governor of the city, was killed by the gladiators for saying, "Today is the Octave of our Lord's birth; put an end to the worship of idols, and abstain from unclean sacrifices."

Theodoret of Cyrus, The Ecclesiastical History

Book V, Chapter XXVI: Of Honorius the Emperor and Telemachus the monk.

"Honorius, who inherited the empire of Europe, put a stop to the gladitorial combats which had long been held at Rome. The occasion of his doing so arose from the following circumstance. A certain man of the name of Telemachus had embraced the ascetic life. He had set out from the East and for this reason had repaired to Rome. There, when the abominable spectacle was being exhibited, he went himself into the stadium, and stepping down into the arena, endeavoured to stop the men who were wielding their weapons against one another. The spectators of the slaughter were indignant, and inspired by the triad fury of the demon who delights in those bloody deeds, stoned the peacemaker to death.

When the admirable emperor was informed of this he numbered Telemachus in the number of victorius martyrs, and put an end to that impious spectacle."

The post on the Saint from Medieval Saints at Yahoo!

From Catholic Forum.

From Saints Alive.

From Wikipedia.

The Martyrology

1 January 2007.

2 January 2007.

Muslims shout at Jesus' home: 'Islam will dominate the world'--March through town of Nazareth 'meant to intimidate Christians'

On Saturday, the Eve of the Feast of the Circumcision, the Muslims desecrated the Christmas Season in our Lord's hometown of Nazareth. They marched, shouting slogans designed to intimidate Nazareth's remaining Christian citizens, proclaiming their adherence to the Quranic doctrine of Muslim domination of the world.

Let us ask God's mercy upon the Christians forced to live amongst the unbelieving infidels who would destroy our Holy Faith!

From WorldNetDaily.