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The New Crusade

A Blog dedicated to the promotion of the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith in union with HH Benedict XVI, to the preservation of our Traditional Græco-Roman Catholic Civilisation and to the New Crusade against Islam. This Blog is under the Patronage of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Christ our King and His Holy Mother, our Queen and of Santiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer) and the Crusader King, St Louis IX of France.

25 août 2007

Feast of St Louis IX

Today is the Feast of the great Crusader King, St Louis IX, one of the Patrons of this blog, and the Nameday of His Most Christian Majesty, Louis XX, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre. To my readers, a Happy Feast Day and to my liege lord, a Blessed Nameday.

Read the article concerning the Saint at Hallowedground.

15 août 2007

Bishop urges Christians to call God 'Allah'

""Catholic" leader believes it would help ease tensions between religions". (Quotes on "Catholic" supplied by the New Crusade)

I think the bishop's Christian name defines a)his intellect and b)his commitment to our Divine and Catholic Faith.

From WorldNetDaily

13 août 2007

Knights of Columbus Pass Resolution to Prohibit Pro-Abortion Politicians from Knights-Sponsored Events

While I am pleased that the Knights have taken this action, I still have no plans to rejoin them. I was a member for 20 years but I finally left after repeatedly trying to get a reasonable explanation from Supreme Headquarters as to why men like Ted Kennedy, who oppose the Magisterium on almost every point, continued to be allowed membership in the Order. When the Knights expel Kennedy and other "Catholic" politicians of his ilk, I will be more than happy to rejoin.

From LifeSiteNews

A Dark Day in History

Today is the anniversary of the beginning of the Berlin Wall, the day on which John F. Kennedy, Charles de Gaulle and Harold Macmillan sold out the people of East Germany to the Red slavemasters. The construction of the wall was a blatant violation of the Four Power Pact governing Berlin and Berliners on both sides of the border stood watching the construction, waiting for the Western tanks to roll and put a stop to it. The tanks did not roll and for 28 years, 2 months and 26 days the wall stood as a reminder of the shame of the West.

On a personal note, I remember well when it went up and I fully expected it to be standing when I died. On the evening of 9 November 1989 I was at work as a PBX operator when my wife called to tell me that the wall was coming down. She held the telephone up to the TV so that I could hear the reports. I began to cry and my co-workers, walking by my desk, asked what was wrong. I could only reply, through my tears, "The Berlin Wall is coming down!" Soon, I was surrounded by people as I relayed what I was hearing. It is one of those few dates that I will always remember where I was and what I was doing.

The article from Wikipedia

A pope who refuses to compromise

Our Holy Father takes on Amesty International on the abortion question. May God bless him and grant him many years! But, on the downside, note the last sentence: "But the Pope's affirmation was swiftly softened by his aides." When will we have, under the guidance of the Third Person of the Most Holy and Divine Trinity, a Pope who is free to rule the Church?

From The Independent

School cannot sack head in 'gay marriage'

"Lawyers have told the Roman Catholic Church that it cannot sack a Catholic headmaster who has entered a civil partnership with a male teacher."

From the Telegraph

12 août 2007

My Apologies

To all my gentle readers (if I have any left!) I apologise for my disappearance from the 'net. When I last posted in January, I was (a) in the process of preparing to emigrate and (b) suffering a severe case of "blogger burnout!" I had been posting daily since September, 2005, with the exception of unwilling hiati when my computer crashed. The combination of the "burnout" and the stress of the coming move ganged up on me and I "went missing".

Well, I'm back, blogging from Edmonton, Alberta. I can't guarantee that I will get back to the level of commitment I had before, but I will try to blog on a regular basis. Now that my US Passport has arrived, I have the joy of the Canadian bureaucracy to look forward to as I begin the long journey to citizenship, starting with permanent residency and permission to work.

As a monarchist, it was moving that, just days after my arrival, I was present at the annual dinner of the Monday night cribbage club at the Royal Canadian Legion, Kingsway Branch, #175. We drank the Loyal Toast to HM Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada and sang the Royal Anthem (God save the Queen) as well as O, Canada. While my liege loyalty to His Most Christian Majesty, Louis XX remains unaffected, I'm glad to be living in a monarchy and I look forward to taking the Oath to Her Majesty upon becoming a citizen.

So Much For The Unity Of The Post Conciliar Church!

Our Holy Father and the Social Magisterium of the Church are under attack, yet again. But this time the attack comes from within. The English Bishop's Conference have put out a book "Catholic Social Justice, a volume of essays put together by an agency of the Bishops’ Conference, (which) systematically rubbishes Benedict’s first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est (God is Love). The book has been given a glowing foreword by the Bishop of Plymouth, Christopher Budd."

It also, "(R)efers to the atrocities of 9/11 as “the ‘terrorist’ attacks” in inverted commas."

With a tip of the Red Beret to Bob from Montana!

From the Telegraph's Holy Smoke Blog by Damian Thompson

Labelled mad for daring to criticise the Kremlin

No this is not a headline from the bad, old "Commie" days! This is current news. The KGB man, Putin, has begun to use even more of the old tactics. If they disagree, they are obviously mentally ill. Lock 'em up!

From the Telegraph

Should we create a market for making children?

From Mercatornet, an excellent resource site, comes a warning of an attempted advance by the culture of death in Canada. Despite Canada's caving in on such things as "gay marriage" they have held the line on the fertility front. That may very well be under attack. I encourage my Canadian readers to let their MPs know that they want this law extended!

From MercatorNet